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Welcome to my portfolio!

My name is Chichii and I am a British Chinese freelance CG and stop motion animator based in London.

I am studying BA animation at the University of West England, and Greenwich, where I am honing my skills and developing my unique style. My work is heavily influenced by surrealist art and everything cute, as I strive to create visually striking and imaginative pieces.

I have a passion for storytelling and love to create my own short stories. I am also always open to listening to other people's experiences and am eager to collaborate with other artists and creators. If you're interested in working together, please don't hesitate to contact me at

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My Story

I had a year studying Architecture before transferring my course to Animation. I found myself writing stories and experimenting with mediums from puppets to CG models. I love to explore our connection to design concerning the user, space, time & place.

My art is heavily inspired by juxtaposing topics, especially playing with the audiences' emotions and experimenting with breaking cliché tropes to try and subvert the viewer's expectation. I do this through my recent film Paw'lled Apart. I love to be a surprise and prove people wrong by working against any limitations they put on me. 


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